- His father believes that the only reason for going to university is to be able to get on the gravy train.
gravy train
Gravy Train
Gravy Train
No Stopping the Gravy Train of Car Support?
Banking Gravy Train May Finally Have Run out of Track
Drug pricing: the end of the gravy train?
In search of culture: Holy grail or gravy train?
China's High-Speed Rail Diplomacy: Riding a Gravy Train?
Sport on TV: Blood on the Tracks as Gravy Train Goes off the Rails
Derailing the Gravy Train: A Three Pronged Approach to End Fraud in Mass-Tort Medical Diagnosing
`Grievance Gravy Train Picking up Speed': Myths and Reality around Employment Disputes in New Zealand
Women's Recent Progress in the Professions or, Women Get a Ticket to Ride after the Gravy Train Has Left the Station