gregorian calendar公历;格里高里历
gregorian chant格列高利圣咏(教皇格列高利一世采用,常无伴奏)
- A Gregorian chant.
格列高利圣歌 - The third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
Bicollimated offset Gregorian dual reflector antenna systemZooming and Scanning Gregorian Confocal Dual Reflector AntennasAnalysis of the Fields in Two Dimensional Gregorian SystemMedieval Heresy: Popular Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the ReformationGeneral analysis of aplanatic cassegrain, gregorian, and schwarzschild telescopes: erratum.Comparison of the crossed and the Gregorian Mizuguchi-Dragone for wide-field millimeter-wave astronomyA first-order treatment of aberrations in Cassegrainian and Gregorian antennasHigh-Frequency Expression for the Field in the Caustic Region of a PEMC Gregorian System Using Maslov's MethodDesigning axially symmetric Cassegrain or Gregorian dual-reflector antennas from combinations of prescribed geometric parameters. 2...Derivation and application of the equivalent paraboloid for classical offset Cassegrain and Gregorian antennas