- Identify the enemy you wish to annihilate.
只管标记你要消灭的敌人。 - The United States cannot annihilate the Chinese nation with its small stack of atom bombs.
美国那点原子弹,消灭不了中国人。 - We must herd the enemy troops together and annihilate them.
A Property of the Functions and Distributions Annihilated by a Locally Integrable System of Complex Vector Fields
A signal-decomposed and interference-annihilated approach to hyperspectral target detection
Supersymmetry and Morse theory
Homological Algebra on a Complete Intersection, with an Application to Group Representations
Inflation from D-\bar{D} brane annihilation
A compiler and run-time system for network programming languages
Non-commutative Elimination in Ore Algebras Proves Multivariate Identities
Partition functions of holographic minimal models
Indices for Superconformal Field Theories in 3,5 and 6 Dimensions
Light-Cone Description of (2,0) Superconformal Theories in Six Dimensions