- The colonel had a firm handclasp and brilliant smile for everyone.
上校和每个人都坚定地握了握手,并对每个人都灿烂地笑了笑。 - The 2nd pace, see the woman does not resist handclasp and suggestion.
The Handclasp in the Arnolfini Wedding: A Manuscript PrecedentPropagation of handclasp grooming among captive chimpanzeesSymbols of the Arm and Handclasp in George Eliot's "Adam Bede"Grooming handclasp in Mahale M group chimpanzees: implications for culture in social behaviorsSocial culture in chimpanzees: Grooming handclasp behaviour qualifies under conservative criteriaDexiosis and Dextrarum Iunctio: The Sacred Handclasp in the Classical and Early Christian WorldStatus Investigated and Countermeasure about "Burst"and "Handclasp"of Four Desert in Alashan LeagueAffiliation promotes the transmission of a social custom: handclasp grooming among captive chimpanzeesThe South Central Modern Language Association Symbols of the Arm and Handclasp in George Eliot ' s "Adam Bede "Contrast Observation on Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training and Training on Raising Handclasp of Bobath in Stroke Patients