antecubitalantecubitalThe antecubital fascio-cutaneous flapAntecubital and femoral venous pressure in normal and toxemic pregnancy ☆Tear of the distal biceps tendon presenting as an antecubital mass: magnetic resonance imaging appearancesBlind placements of peripherally inserted antecubital central catheters: initial catheter tip position in relation to carinaLimb preservation and tumor control in the treatment of popliteal and antecubital soft tissue sarcomas.Blood acetaldehyde concentration gradient between hepatic and antecubital venous blood in ethanol-intoxicated alcoholics and controlsAutogenous radial-cephalic or prosthetic brachial-antecubital forearm loop AVF in patients with compromised vessels? A randomized, m...A randomized multicenter study of the outcome of brachial-basilic arteriovenous fistula and prosthetic brachial-antecubital forearm ...