- The hip joint is wider than a good hip phenotype.
髋关节比良好显型的髋关节还宽松。 - Only arcs and straight-lines form figures of hip joint prostheses.
Hip joint
Hip joint loading during walking and running, measured in two patients
Contact pressures in the human hip joint measured in vivo
Normal values of the hip joint for the evaluation of X-rays in children and adults
A hip joint simulator study of the performance of metal-on-metal joints ☆ : Part I: The role of materials
The genetic contribution to hip joint morphometry and relationship to hip cartilage thickness.
A post mortem study of the hip joint. Including the prevalence of the features of the right side.
An in vitro investigation of the acetabular labral seal in hip joint mechanics
Studies on Dysplastic Acetabula and Congenital Subluxation of the Hip Joint with Special Reference to the Complication of Osteo-Arth...
A comparison of quality of life before and after arthroplasty in patients who had arthrosis of the hip joint