Diagnoses of Anthraces in Legume Plants in Xichang DistrictAnthracnoces in Macadamia nuts caused by Glomerella cingulata.An NLRP7-Containing Inflammasome Mediates Recognition of Microbial Lipopeptides in Human MacrophagesThe capsule and S-layer: two independent and yet compatible macromolecular structures in Bacillus anthracis.Antimicrobial air filter and method of making sameDetermination of Anthracene on Ag-Au Alloy Nanoparticles/Overoxidized-Polypyrrole Composite Modified Glassy Carbon ElectrodesFuture vaccine development at NICHD.GI anthrax: report of one case confirmed with autopsyDetermination of anthrax foci through isolation of Bacillus anthracis form soil samples of different regions of Iran.Dual-use research and the H5N1 bird flu: Is restricting publication the solution to biosecurity issues?