Cooking for the Anthropophagi: Jonson and His AudienceANTHROPOPHAGI AND EATERS OF RAW FLESH IN FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE CRUSADE PERIOD: MYTH, TRADITION AND REALITYOthello among the AnthropophagiRamblings and Rigmaroles of an Anthropophagi: Journey Chronotropes from the Margins (Patna) to the Metropole (New Delhi)Human Rights and emotions from the perspective of the colonised: Anthropophagi, Legal Surrealism and Subaltern Studies ; Derechos hu...Anthropophagi and sustainability: bonds in women with substance abusedisorders?Brazilian cultural anthropophagi and education – ecologist contributions to a pedagogy of the “devouring”The party of the Anthropophagi: on Hour of the wolfWallis Mackay, his horn book for the use of greenhorns and others who would learn of the anthropophagi and divers strange things exi...From Anthropophagi to Cannibals: A Brief History of the Birth of the American Cannibal