Sensitization to ephedrine in oral anticatarrhal drugs.Quantitative analysis of the Maksikold multicomponent anticatarrhal preparation by pH-gradient high-performance liquid chromatographyQuantitative analysis of complex antipyretic, analgesic, and anticatarrhal drugs by gradient HPLC techniquesIX. Combating of the Catarrhal Hospital Infections with Anticatarrhal Vaccines. ‐ Experiences in the Children's Department of the U...[Clinical considerations on a new synthetic compound with antipyretic and anticatarrhal action][Therapeutic results on the use of a new vegetable proteolytic enzyme : bromelin. Clinical study of the anticatarrhal effects in 50 ...[Clinical trials with a new preparation with anticatarrhal and antidystrophic action in the therapy of various rhinopathies][Gentochin, an anticatarrhal drug]Anticatarrhal Inoculations in Children's Hospitals.Oral Anti Catarrhal Vaccine as a Prophylactic in a Light Industry Factory.