- He always has hysterics at the sight of blood.
一看到血他常会歇斯底里发作。 - She went into hysterics on receiving the telegram
她一接到电报就歇斯底里了起来。 - She had the audience in hysterics.
她把观众逗得捧腹大笑。 - The clown had the children in hysterics.
Conversion hysterics and the MMPI
The psychophysiology of hysterics
Hysterics and dysthymics as criterion groups in the study of introversion-extraversion.
Life careers of Navajo epileptics and convulsive hysterics.
The position of hysterics and dysthymics in a two-dimensional framework of personality description.
Hysterics and dysthymics as criterion groups in the measure of introversion-extraversion: a rejoinder to Eysenck's reply
Operant conditioning of verbal behavior of dysthymics and hysterics.
A comparative study of hysterics, homosexuals and alcoholics using content analysis of Rorschach responses
Psychogenic voice disorders--heroes or hysterics? A brief overview with questions and discussion
The “torpillage” neurologists of World War I Electric therapy to send hysterics back to the front