Portable brush and tree cutting machine of the hammer-driven cutter blade typeHigh﹑ower InGaN single﹒uantum﹚ell﹕tructure blue and violet light〆mitting diodesMultiple鈥恞uantum NMR spectroscopy of S=3/2 spins in isotropic phase: A new probe for multiexponential relaxationFine structure of excitons in InAs/GaAs coupled auantum dots: a sensitive test of electronic couplingMultiple﹒uantum NMR in solidsEnhanced double﹒uantum nuclear magnetic resonance in spinning solids at rotational resonanceTopological Auantum Field Theories derived from the Kauffman bracketVertically stacked multiple﹒uantum﹚ire semiconductor diode lasersMethod for determining a network topology of an antumation systemMultiple鈥恞uantum dynamics in NMR: A directed walk through Liouville space