- Apiculture is a kind of traditional aquaculture.
养蜂业是一种传统养殖业。 - The author thinks apiculture must take the route that industrialization runs.
ApicultureApiculture in China.Industrial apiculture in the Jordan valley during Biblical times with Anatolian honeybees.A profile of apiculture in Capao Bonito, Sao Paulo State: an application of multivariate analysis.Constraints and prospects for apiculture research and development in Amhara region, Ethiopia.The potential of marginal lands for bees and apiculture: Nectar secretion in Mediterranean shrublandsINTEGRATED SYSTEM OF APICULTURE BEEHIVE (MOVABLE BOTTOM BOARD, HONEY AND BROOD CHAMBER AND COVER), WHICH IS MADE ENTIRELY OF METALNew Asian types of Varroa destructor : a potential new threat for world apicultureApproaches, methods and processes for innovative apiculture development: Experiences from Ada'a-Liben Woreda Oromia Regional State, ...A Bionomic Sketch of the Giant Hornet, Vespa mandarinia, a Serious Pest for Japanese Apiculture (With 12 Text-figures and 5 Tables)