- With the performer's help, a second spectator is able to intuit the emotion the first spectator is thinking of and name it exactly.
Automated tax return with universal data importAre philosophers expert intuiters?Order-theoretic, topological, categorical redundancies of interval-valued sets, grey sets, vague sets, interval-valued “intuitionis...The Healing Power of the Seal: The Meaning of Intuit Health Practice and BeliefFAST SPEAKERS IN LAANRAGLREYESVCISOOCG&ANABINTUITLOIANDR:OYTECSONTINUOUS SPEECHIntuiting of strategists in crisis situations: our struggle with the concept of timeAtos mentais e Cognição em J. Duns Scotus: um estudo de caso do Quodl. XIIIPor uma fenomenologia da linguagemA carne como estrutura ontológica em Merleau-PontyLeading the transformation to co‐creation of value