- The engines sounded as if they would begin to beat irregularly.
发动机的声音听上去好像要开始不规则地冲击。 - Irregularly shaped bodies will align their long axis to point towards the planet.
Printing irregularly-spaced contact holes using phase shift masks
Robust fusion of irregularly sampled data using adaptive normalized convolution
A two-dimensional interpolation function for irregularly-spaced data
Autoregressive Conditional Duration: A New Model for Irregularly Spaced Transaction Data
2-D reflectivity method and synthetic seismograms for irregularly layered structures—II. Invariant embedding approach
Algorithm 526: Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points [E1]
2-D reflectivity method and synthetic seismograms for irregularly layered structuresâII. Invariant embedding approach
Inputs from regularly and irregularly discharging vestibular nerve afferents to secondary neurons in the vestibular nuclei of the sq...
Older males secrete luteinizing hormone and testosterone more irregularly, and jointly more asynchronously, than younger males
Stromatolite recognition in ancient rocks: an appraisal of irregularly laminated structures in an Early Archaean chert-barite unit f...