Prevention of irreversible chemotherapy-induced ovarian damage in young women with lymphoma by a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone ago...
Mild hypothermia and Mg++ protect against irreversible damage during CNS ischemia
Mechanisms involved in irreversible anoxic damage to the in vitro rat hippocampal slice
Irreversible damage to photosystem I by chilling in the light: cause of the degradation of chlorophyll after returning to normal gro...
Thyroid hormone deficiency before the onset of hearing causes irreversible damage to peripheral and central auditory systems.
Astrocyte-Derived Nitric Oxide Causes Both Reversible and Irreversible Damage to the Neuronal Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain
Early enzyme release from myocardial cells is not due to irreversible cell damage.
A brief photochemically induced oxidative insult causes irreversible lens damage and cataract. I. Transparency and epithelial cell l...
A brief photochemically induced oxidative insult causes irreversible lens damage and cataract. II. Mechanism of action.
Reversible and irreversible neuronal damage caused by excitatory amino acid analogues in rat cerebellar slices