- The roast beef is very appetizing.
烤牛肉让人胃口大开。 - The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.
The appetizing and satiating effects of odours
Taste transduction: appetizing times in gustation
Pictures of appetizing foods activate gustatory cortices for taste and reward.
The appetizing effect of an aperitif in overweight and normal-weight humans (see comments)
Appetizing rancidity of apoptotic cells for macrophages: Phosphatidylserine oxidative signaling
The infodiet: How libraries can offer an appetizing alternative to Google
Appetizing rancidity of apoptotic cells for macrophages: oxidation, externalization, and recognition of phosphatidylserine.
Inducing Negative Affect Increases the Reward Value of Appetizing Foods in Dieters
Personality predicts the brain's response to viewing appetizing foods: the neural basis of a risk factor for overeating.
The personality trait self-directedness predicts the amygdala’s reaction to appetizing cues in fMRI