The Japanize Chinese Letter in Korea gazetteJapanized English, its context and socio-historical background白色情人节-"JAPANIZE"蠕虫白色情人节在日本掀起轩然大波'Shampoo for extra damage': making sense of Japanized English'Shampoo for extra damage': making sense of Japanized EnglishWesternized body or Japanized western body: The desirable female body in contemporary Japanese women's magazinesThe internal dependency relationship in “Japanized” organizations: Experiences of a UK automotive component companyJapanese university EFL student understanding of commonly-used Japanized-English (Wasei-eigo) expression“Front‐end reflections”: supervisory systems in the UK’s Japanese transplants and in “Japanized” companiesEffects of Starter Feeding Time on Body Growth, GIT Relative Weight and Yolk Utilization of Newly Hatched Japanize Quail