用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- abrupt answer唐突的回答
- abrupt bend急转弯
- abrupt change突然改变
- abrupt death暴毙
- abrupt departure突然离去
- abrupt descent陡坡
- abrupt ending突然终止
- abrupt entrance闯入
- abrupt halt骤然停止
- abrupt manner唐突的举止
- abrupt movement意外的运动
- abrupt peak突兀的险峰
- abrupt reply生硬的回答
- abrupt sentence不连贯的句子
- abrupt slope陡峭的斜坡
- abrupt style of writing不流畅的文体
- abrupt turn急剧转折
- abrupt young girl唐突的少女
abrupt change突变;陡变
abrupt slope陡坡
steep, sheer, abrupt
- The river takes an abrupt bend to the west.
这河突然向西转弯。 - His speech comes to an abrupt stop.
他的演讲突然停止了。 - That young man has an abrupt manner.
那个年轻人态度很无礼。 - His manner of speaking was quite abrupt.
他的说话方式很唐突。 - Pug's abrupt proposal gave her a big surprise.
帕格的出乎意料的求婚给了她一个意外的惊喜。 - We walked down an abrupt slope.
我们沿着陡峭的斜坡走下来。 - I haven't seen such abrupt rocks yet.
Abrupt climate change
Future abrupt reductions in the summer Arctic sea ice
Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: Evidence from visual search.
Abrupt increase in Greenland snow accumulation at the end of the Younger Dryas event. Nature
Abrupt deep-sea warming, palaeoceanographic changes and benthic extinctions at the end of the Palaeocene
Jonides J: Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: voluntary versus automatic allocation
Abrupt rate accelerations or premature beats cause life-threatening arrhythmias in mice with long-QT3 syndrome
The role of the thermohaline circulation in abrupt climate change.
Abrupt onset and termination of the African Humid Period: : rapid climate responses to gradual insolation forcing
Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: Voluntary versus automatic allocation.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Percep...