Diabetic neuropathic pain: Physiopathology and treatmentQualidade de vida de mulheres vivendo com o HIV/aids de um município do interior paulistaSitua??es de estresse no v?lei de praia de alto rendimento: um estudo de caso com uma dupla olímpicaAvaliaçäo cardiológica em recém-nascidos e lactentesCOMBINAÇAO DOS ALIMENTOS, AErrors enacted during endoscopic surgery--a human reliability analysis.Mental practice with motor imagery in stroke recovery: randomized controlled trial of efficacyA comparative study of the efficacy of Pavetta indica and Osbeckia octandra in the treatment of liver dysfunctionDeveloping Cost-Effective Field Assessments of Carbon Stocks in Human-Modified Tropical ForestsIdentification and Categorization of Technical Errors by Observational Clinical Human Reliability Assessment (OCHRA) During Laparosc...