- Here his general interest in method and his particular knowledge of algebra joined forces.
他对方法的普遍兴趣和他对代数的专门知识组成联合力量。 - They are a unique team of MINI-CONS with the ability to combine forces and battle on any terrain.
Integrins and cadherins join forces to form adhesive networks
Performance evaluation and model checking join forces
When Equivalence and Bisimulation Join Forces in Probabilistic Automata
When Equivalence and Bisimulation Join Forces in Probabilistic Automata
When Equivalence and Bisimulation Join Forces in Probabilistic Automata
When textual and visual information join forces for multimedia retrieval
Acquired and natural memory T cells join forces at the mucosal front line.
Sialoadhesin and CD163 join forces during entry of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Light perception in plants: cytokinins and red light join forces to keep phytochrome B active
Invasion biology and conservation biology: Time to join forces to explore the links between species traits and extinction risk and i...