Tra cantari e poema ariostesco: la gran vittoria… / di ch'aver sempre lacrimose ciglia / Ravenna debbe
La Malédiction: The Sentencing of Lacoue-Labarthe
Servant to His Majesty : John Dryden and the Augustan reception of Virgil
Cechov, ironia e dolcezze per Olga «Amami o sposerò un millepiedi»
The Birds of Finca Merenberg, Huila Department, Colombia
Ballads of Peace in War
New records of birds from the northern Cordillera Central of Peru in a historical perspective
Los cambios en el repertorio de la protesta social en la Argentina
Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 2.Marasmiussect.Globulares