The Aramean Empire and Its Relations with Israel
A wandering Aramean : collected Aramaic essays
Aramean Tribes and Nations of First-Millenium Western Asia
A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays by Joseph A. Fitzmyer
The Balaamites of Deir ʿAlla as Aramean Deportees
The Wild Ass in the Aramean Treaty between Bar-Gaʾayah and Matiʿel
Comparative Aspects of the Aramean Siege System at Tell eṣ-Ṣāfi/Gath
Minority Rights in Turkey: EU Smart Power and the Aramean Property Issue
The Holy Bible and Miracles: The case of the Syriac (Aramean) Saint and Historian St. John (Mor Youhanon) of Ephesus
Numansen, S. and R. Ossewaarde (2015) ‘Heroines of Gendercide: The Religious Sensemaking of Rape and Abduction in Aramean, Assyrian...