Gourmet (64 x 48 cm) 2014Doctoral Thesis: Ethylene perception and NEP-like protein production by Botrytis cinereaHNPF-STRESS CORROSION STUDYREFRACTORY COATINGS FOR TUNGSTENStudy on the Mechanism of Ionic Polymerization with the Aid of Radioactive IndicatorsWal-Mart rinuncia alla GermaniaPROCEDIMIENTO Y DISPOSITIVO PARA LA FABRICACION DE PIEZAS MODELADAS O DE OBJETOS.PROCEDIMIENTO E INSTALACION DE FUNDICION EXTRUSIONADORA PARA FABRICAR PIEZAS DE FORMA U OBJETOSMechanisms of conversion of xanthine dehydrogenase to xanthine oxidase in ischemic rat liver and kidney.Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia