- Widespread genus or herbs or soft-wooded arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers.
Arborescent Graft Copolymers: Highly Branched Macromolecules with a Core-Shell Morphology
Single Cycle Continuous Review Policies for Arborescent Production/Inventory Systems
Reproduction of heterosporous arborescent lycopods in the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian of Euramerica
Uniform highly branched polymers by anionic grafting: arborescent graft polymers
Arborescent lycopod reproduction and paleoecology in a coal-swamp environment of late Middle Pennsylvanian age (herrin coal, Illinoi...
Composition, Density, and Fruiting Phenology of Arborescent Palms in an Amazonian Terra Firme Forest
Comparative ecology and life-history biology of arborescent lycopsids in Late Carboniferous swamps of Euramerica.
8. Speciation, Extinction, and the Decline of Arborescent Growth in neogene and Quaternary Cheilostome Bryozoa of Tropical America.
Height and Stem Diameter Relationships for Dicotyledonous Trees and Arborescent Palms of Costa Rican Tropical Wet Forest
Experimental Cladistic Analysis of Anatomically Preserved Arborescent Lycopsids from the Carboniferous of Euramerica: An Essay on Pa...