- A shower of tephra, stones and lapillus rained down and lasted 8 days and nights.
lapillusThe use of the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, as an indicator of tributyltin (TBT) contaminationSex Change in the Female Dog-Whelk, Nucella Lapillus, Induced by Tributyltin from Antifouling PaintsEffects of Competition, Predation by Thais lapillus, and Other Factors on Natural Populations of the Barnacle Balanus balanoidesEffects of Competition, Predation by Thais lapillus, and Other Factors on Natural Populations of the Barnacle Balanus balanoidesThe Decline of the Gastropod Nucella Lapillus Around South-West England: Evidence for the Effect of Tributyltin from Antifouling Pa...The effect of tributyltin upon steroid titres in the female dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus , and the development of imposexReproductive Failure in Populations of the Dog-Whelk, Nucella Lapillus, Caused by Imposex Induced by Tributyltin from Antifouling P...The effects of tributyltin (TBT) accumulation on adult dog-whelks, Nucella lapillus: long-term field and laboratory experimentsVariation in mitochondrial DNA in a cline of allele frequencies and shell phenotype in the dog-whelk Nucella lapillus (L.)