- These people are from Latin America.
这些人是来自拉丁美洲的。 - We can apply this remark to the rest of Latin America.
Chagas disease: A Latin American health problem becoming a world health problemEcology. Globalization, migration, and Latin American ecosystemsUpgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American ClustersThe Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor MarketsConcentration and foreign penetration in Latin American banking sectors: Impact on competition and risk ☆Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in five Latin American cities (the PLATINO study): a prevalence study.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in five latin American cities (the PLATINO study) : a prevalence study. CommentaryOpenness and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries: The Latin American Challenge to East Asian Conventional WisdomOn the state, democratization and some conceptual problems: A Latin American view with glances at some postcommunist countriesAttitudes toward Family Obligations among American Adolescents with Asian, Latin American, and European Backgrounds