Hyhessobry concallistus Bou lenger玫瑰扯旗鱼
Mary H Lenger标签
The quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase of Wolinella succinogenesBacterial fumarate respirationMethod and system for electronic publication distribution including return receiptStorage method for a gaming machineRelation of antioxidants and level of dietary lipid to epidermal lipid peroxidation and ultraviolet carcinogenesisMitochondrial and other ultrastructural changes in great alveolar cells of oxygen-adapted and poisoned ratsInfluence of dietary omega-6, -3 fatty acid sources on the initiation and promotion stages of photocarcinogenesis.Risk factors and characteristics of falls during inpatient rehabilitation of elderly patientsHighly Convergent Three‐Component Benzyne Coupling: The Total Synthesis of ent‐Clavilactone BMuscle power, locomotor performance and flexibility in aging mentally-retarded adults with and without Down's syndrome.