- The lentoid limestone was formed by the differential pressures between the water body and the overlying sediments.Every kind of nodular limestones had its main influential factor.
LentoidLentoid.Transdifferentiation of "lentoid"structures in cultures derived from pigmented epithelium was inhibited by collagenPKCalpha and PKCgamma overexpression causes lentoid body formation in the N/N 1003A rabbit lens epithelial cell line.Biochemical and immunological studies of lentoid formation in cultures of embryonic chick neural retina and day-old chick lens epith...Efficient generation of lens progenitor cells and lentoid bodies from human embryonic stem cells in chemically defined conditions.Crystallin gene expression and lentoid body formation in quail embryo neuroretina cultures transformed by the oncogenic retrovirus M...Transdifferentiation of chick embryonic retinal pigment epithelial cells to lentoid structure in suspension culture.Immunohistochemical localization of Na,K-ATPase in the in situ lens, cultured human lens epithelium and lentoid.Factors modulating mouse lens epithelial cell morphology with differentiation and development of a lentoid structure in vitro