Mycobcterium lepre麻风分枝杆菌
lepre cell痲疯细胞
Cynthia Lepre标签
john lepre姓名
Stephen P Lepre标签
bu lepre ure泡压
"Unfortunately,thisis justmoretypicalGM, "saysRobertLepre,managingpartnerandprincipalatmarketing behemoth the NewEnglandConsultingGroup.
ChemInform Abstract: 195Pt NMR Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of cis‐ and trans‐Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) Binding to DNAThe SHAPES strategy: an NMR-based approach for lead generation in drug discoveryTheory and applications of NMR-based screening in pharmaceutical research.An earlier origin for the Acheulian.Controlling the Response Characteristics of Luminescent Porphyrin Plastic Film Sensors for OxygenCharacterisation of the photocatalyst Pilkington Activ™: a reference film photocatalyst?Identification of a Global Gene Expression Signature of B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia1 1 Mayo Comprehensive Cancer Center, National...Management of benign biliary strictures: biliary enteric anastomosis vs endoscopic stentingThe long-term outcome of hepaticojejunostomy in the treatment of benign bile duct stricturesHigh-resolution solution structure of reduced French bean plastocyanin and comparison with the crystal structure of poplar plastocya...