- He cut his hand, which I did up with mercurochrome, lint and bandages.
Quality of life in 244 recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
Chemokine and cytokine processing by matrix metalloproteinases and its effect on leukocyte migration and inflammation
HIV Persistence and the Prospect of Long-Term Drug-Free Remissions for HIV-lnfected Individuals
Treatment of acquired severe aplastic anemia: Bone marrow transplantation compared with immunosuppressive therapy-the European group...
Structure and function of the pentraxins
Treatment of Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) with Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) or Immunosuppression: A Report of the EBMT SAA Work...
Introduction to Coding Theory
Risk factors for invasive aspergillosis and related mortality in recipients of allogeneic SCT from alternative donors: an analysis o...
Designs, Graphs, Codes, and Their Links
A Defect in Nucleosome Remodeling Prevents IL-12(p35) Gene Transcription in Neonatal Dendritic Cells