Wahlenbergia plant named 'SPICI BELL'REVISION DE LAS ESPECIES SUDAMERICANAS NATIVAS E INTRODUCIDAS DE LOS GENEROS BRACHIARIA Y UROCHLOA (POACEAE: PANICOIDEAE: PANICEAE)Sinolejeunea yimaensis gen. et sp. nov. (Hepaticae) from the Middle Jurassic Yima Formation in Henan Province of ChinaA revision of the native and introduced South American species of Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. and Urochloa P. Beauv. (Poaceae: Panico...Taxonomy and evaluation of genus Avena LThree new species of Passiflora from Venezuela and EcuadorГЕНДЕРНАЯ АСИММЕТРИЯ СТАТУСНО-РОЛЕВОЙ ДИСТРИБУЦИИ В СИСТЕМАХ ОБРАЗОВА...Studies in Coursetia (Leguminosae). IFile 1950 Date: September 20, 2016File 1950 Date: January 19, 2016