Naricolax hoi n. sp (Cyclopoida : Bomolochidae) from Arius maculatus (Siluriformes : Ariidae) off Taiwan and a redescription of N. c...MatInspector and beyond: promoter analysis based on transcription factor binding sites.Incidence of cardiovascular disease in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic subjects with and without diabetic nephropathy in FinlandCentral control of song in the canary, Serinus canariusSoil changes accompanying invasion of the exotic shrub Cytisus scoparius in glacial outwash prairies of western Washington [USA]INVASION DYNAMICS OF CYTISUS SCOPARIUS: A MATRIX MODEL APPROACHA comparison of body mass index, waist-hip ratio and waist circumference as predictors of all-cause mortality among the elderly: the...Selection of anthropometric indicators for classification of abdominal fatness--a critical review.Early molecular and cytogenetic response is predictive for long-term progression-free and overall survival in chronic myeloid leukem...Educational level, relative body weight, and changes in their association over 10 years: an international perspective from the WHO M...