In situ screening, isolation of peptides; major histocompability complex[Expression of the major histocompability complex HLA-A2 gene in ovarian cancer]Genes of the Major Histocompability Complex Class II Influence the Phenotype of Cardiomyopathies Associated With Hepatitis C Virus I...HUBUNGAN TINGKAT EKSPRESI LATENT MEMBRANE PROTEIN 1 DENGAN MAJOR HISTOCOMPABILITY COMPLEX CLASS 1 PADA KARSINOMA NASOFARING WHO TIPE 3HUBUNGAN TINGKAT EKSPRESI LATENT MEMBRANE PROTEIN 1\udDENGAN MAJOR HISTOCOMPABILITY COMPLEX CLASS 1\udPADA KARSINOMA NASOFARING\udWH...Study of expression of major histocompability complex Ⅰ antigen in idiopathic inflammatory myopathiesIn vitro infiltration of extracelluar antigens into the major histocompability complex class I-presentation pathway of cells, compri...THE STRUCTURE OF MHC (MAJOR HISTOCOMPABILITY COMPLEX) GENES AND MOLECULES IN RUMINANTSHUBUNGAN KADAR SOLUBLE MAJOR HISTOCOMPABILITY COMPLEX CLASS I CHAIN RELATED MOLECULE B (SMICB) SERUM DENGAN KEJADIAN PERSALINAN PRET...Yuhki N, O'Brien SJ. 1990. DNA variation of the mammalian major histocompability complex reflects genomic diversity and population h...