may be也许,可能
may have+过去分词
in may在五月
may well很可能;充分理由;有充分理由可以…
may i help you要我帮忙吗;请问买什么(商场用语)
may day五一国际劳动节
may as well还是...好
may fourth movement五四运动
may i come in我能进来吗
may it be但愿如此(《魔戒首部曲》主题曲)
may flower五月的花;桂花
may queen n. 五月皇后(被选为五朔节庆祝活动女王的少女)
may just as well索性...算了
what dreams may come飞越来生缘;美梦成真(电影名称)
- Well, and who may you be?
那麽,你是谁呢? - That might be our taxi.
那辆有可能是我们的计程车。 - That may be our taxi now!
那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。 - Might I suggest another time?
我可以建议另找个时间吗? - He will graduate from the school in May.
他将要在五月份毕业。 - We may come at another time.
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Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics
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Coevolution of hosts and parasites.
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