The pathology of vascular ("arteriovenous") malformations.Increasing arteriovenous fistulas in hemodialysis patients: Problems and solutionsCerebral arteriovenous oxygen difference as an estimate of cerebral blood flow in comatose patients.Arteriovenous haemofiltration: A new and simple method for treatment of over-hydrated patients resistant to diureticsRecommended standards for reports dealing with arteriovenous hemodialysis accesses.Predictors of hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain arteriovenous malformationHypertension and retinopathy, arteriolar narrowing, and arteriovenous nicking in a population.Reporting terminology for brain arteriovenous malformation clinical and radiographic features for use in clinical trials.Effect of clopidogrel on early failure of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis: a randomized controlled trialOrchestration of angiogenesis and arteriovenous contribution by angiopoietins and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)