king arthur亚瑟王(电影名,是英格兰传说中的国王)
arthur schopenhauer阿瑟·叔本华
port arthur阿瑟港(旅顺港在西方的称呼或美国、加拿大港市)
- Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.
亚瑟似乎被这个问题弄得有些窘迫。 - King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom.
Manual of vascular plants of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
The theory of island biogeography
Controlled growth of monodisperse silica spheres in the micron size range ☆
Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical events
Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events
k-means++:the advantages of careful seeding
Fundamentals of Ecology
Solid phase microextraction with thermal desorption using fused silica optical fibers
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
Angiosperm Orders and Families. (Book Reviews: An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants)