Misguide in Rain Water Discharge SystemDo not let the Spanish "s"misguide youNarrow Assessments Misrepresent Development and Misguide Policy"Aboriginal Heritage: The Rainbow Serpent - When Guidelines Misguide"Height predictions by Bayley-Pinneau method may misguide pediatric endocrinologists.Carbon oxidation reactions could misguide the evaluation of carbon black-based oxygen-evolution electrocatalysts.The normalization heuristic: An untested hypothesis that may misguide medical decisionsThe neural underpinnings of how reward associations can both guide and misguide attentionNarrow assessments misrepresent development and misguide policy: comment on Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, and Banich (2009)Can cadaverous pollution from environmental lead misguide to false positive results in the histochemical determination of gunshot re...