InvestigationonAscaridsInfectioninPrimary SchoolStudents in Liupanshui in
AscaridsRaccoon ascarids as a cause of larva migrans.Ascarids. Recent advancesLarves d'Ascarides parasites de Poissons en Méditerranée occidentale = Larval Ascarids parasites of fishes from western Meditera...On the Classification of the Ascaridae. II. The Polydelphis Group; with some account of other Ascarids parasitic in SnakesOn the ascarids parasitic in seals, with special reference to the genus Contracaecum.(Ascarids of fishes from western Mediterranean sea.) Ascarides de poissons de Mediterranee occidentaleThe efficacy of Amidantel, a new anthelmintic, on hookworms and ascarids in dogs.Visceral Larva Migrans Due to Infection * with Dog and Cat AscaridsThe effect of experimental infections with ascarids on the growth of pies.