Relative moldiness index as predictor of childhood respiratory illness
The Effects of Moldiness Level on Seed Selection by Dipodomys spectabilis
Development of an Environmental Relative Moldiness index for US homes
High Environmental Relative Moldiness Index during infancy as predictor of age seven asthma
High environmental relative moldiness index during infancy as a predictor of asthma at 7 years of age
Higher Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMIsm) values measured in Detroit homes of severely asthmatic children
Higher environmental relative moldiness index values measured in homes of adults with asthma, rhinitis, or both conditions
Grain storage studies 21: viability and moldiness of commercial wheat in relation to the incidence of germ damage
Higher Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) Values Measured in Homes of Asthmatic Children in Boston, Kansas City, and San ...
Stenotrophomonas, Mycobacterium, and Streptomyces in home dust and air: associations with moldiness and other home/family characteri...