Asdic as an Aid to Spawning Ground InvestigationsElectronic Sector-scanning AsdicGeological interpretation of asdic recordsReport on echo-sounding and Asdic for fishing purposesDel ASDIC al FIDO: el desarrollo tecnológico aliado en la batalla del AtlánticoTHE OBLIQUE ASDIC AND ITS USE IN AN INVESTIGATION OF A MARINE HIGH‐ENERGY ENVIRONMENTThe shape of submarine canyon heads revealed by AsdicElectronic Sector-Scanning Asdic: An Improved Fish-Locator and Navigational InstrumentTime-Lapse Photography of an ASDIC Echo-Sounder PPI-Scope as a Technique for Recording Fish Movements During MigrationA BREAKDOWN IN COMMUNICATION: BRITAIN'S OVER ESTIMATION OF ASDIC'S CAPABILITIES IN THE 1930s