用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- admire the full moon观赏圆月
- bark at the moon瞎嚷嚷,无事自扰
- conquer the moon征服月球
- cover the moon覆盖月亮
- cry for the moon异想天开
- fly to the moon飞向月球
- hide the moon盖住月亮,把月亮藏起来
- jump over the moon快活极了
- land on the moon在月球上着陆
- promise sb the moon许空愿
- shoot the moon夜逃,夜奔
- view the moon观察月亮,赏月
- watch the moon赏月
形容词+~- blue moon不可能的事
- bright moon明月
- charming moon迷人的月亮
- crescent moon新月
- dim moon朦胧的月色
- full moon满月
- glorious moon明月
- half moon半月
- little moon没有什么月光
- new moon新月
- pale moon苍白的月亮
- waning moon亏月
- waxing moon渐盈的月亮
名词+~- harvest moon收获季节的满月
- Mid-Autumn moon中秋月
- quarter moon四分月
- silver moon银月
~+名词介词+~- beneath the moon在月光下
- man in the moon月中人,想象中的人
- once in a blue moon罕有的
- on the moon在月球上
- under the moon在月光下
~+介词- moon at the first quarter上弦月
- moon at the third quarter下弦月
on the moon在月球上
full moon满月
moon cake n. 月饼
new moon新月
blue moon不可能或稀有的时期或事情
bright moon明月,皓月;明月心
crescent moon新月;盈月;娥眉月
moon festival中秋节
half moon半月;半月形
over the moon兴高采烈;欣喜若狂
moon river月亮河(电影《第凡内早餐》主题曲)
fly to the moon飞向月亮
sun moon lake台湾日月潭
harvest moon秋分前后的满月
moon light浅米灰
eclipse of the moon月食
ask for the moon想要天上的月亮;异想天开,想入非非
dark of the moon 月黑之时,一个月中看不见月亮的期间 , 没有月光,月黑夜;黑暗[书面语亦作moon dark] , 【天文学】月暗期
moon phase月相
phases of the moon月相
- The moon goes round the earth.
月亮绕着地球转。 - Last night there was a full moon.
昨晚是满月。 - The moon peeped out from behind the clouds.
月亮从云层中隐现。 - The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon.
- The boys have nothing to do but moon around in the streets .
这些男孩子没什么事可做,只是在街上闲荡。 - Are you going to moon away the whole of your life ?
你就准备虚度整个人生的时光吗? - I don't like to moon away this Sunday in idleness.
我不愿意无所事事地度过这个星期天。 - All that she has done since her boy - friend left her is to moon about .
Origin of the Earth and Moon
Bongki Moon: Indexing and querying XML data for regular path expressions
Lunar sourcebook - A user's guide to the moon
Lunar source book: A user's guide to the Moon
Lunar sourcebook - A user%27s guide to the moon
The Lunar Sourcebook: A User's Guide to the Moon
Book-Review - Lunar Sourcebook - a User's Guide to the Moon
Kim D, Kim CH, Moon JI, Chung YG, Chang MY, Han BS et al. Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells by direct delivery of r...
Fixed expressions and idioms in English: A corpus-based approach : Rosamund E. Moon, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. xi + 338 pp. £4...
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