- The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities.
对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。 - He felt mortified for his mistake.
Mortified: Get me out of here!
Mortified and apologetic editor
Mortified Marr Milks It with Messy May
Stars Are Mortified for Your Amusement
Mortified: Real Words. Real People. Real Pathetic.
The Mortified Body, the Beautified Body : Lucrezia Marinella's Life of St. Caterina in the context of Counter-Reformation : Spiritua...
Mortified and Ignored: A Kind of Criticism of Feminism Philosophy——Annotation and Reflection on Patriarchal Social System in Judge...
"Mortified people are wonderful raw material for terrorism". Alaa al-Aswany's book avoids censorship and is running in the cinema. S...
Lockie Leonard: Growing up can be a hairy business Episodes 1-26/Mortified: Get Me Out of Here! Vol 1 Episodes 1-13
Constructing a Meta-History of Eco-global criminology: On Brute Criminologists, Mortified Bunnies, Nature and its Discontent