- Lazy is the mother of neediness.
懒惰是贫穷之母。 - In the neediness there is attachment and cords that go from the needy to the one they count on to provide for them.
在需要中,就有连线和束缚从那个需要的一方连接到被依赖的另一方。 - Because of her neediness, the conversation often revolves around her, and you can almost feel the life being sucked out of you during the conversation.
Neediness and depression in women
The Relation of Neediness and Axis II Pathology
Neediness and connectedness and the five‐factor model of personality
Neediness and Interpersonal Life Stress: Does Congruency Predict Depression?
Connectedness and Neediness: Factors of the DEQ and SAS dependency scales
Validation of Connectedness and Neediness as Dimensions of the Dependency Construct
Friendship trumps neediness: The impact of social relations and others’ wealth on preschool children’s sharing
Bad luck vs. self-inflicted neediness – An experimental investigation of gift giving in a solidarity game
Do humor styles mediate or moderate the relationship between self-criticism and neediness and depressive symptoms?
Attachment, depression, and fear of death in older adults: The roles of neediness and perceived availability of social support