- The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.
国会议员抨击总统搞裙带关系。 - He was guilty of nepotism and corruption.
Nepotism and sexism in peer-review
Nepotism and sexism in peer-review.
Nepotism and Evolution of Alarm Calls
Nepotism and the evolution of alarm calls.
Kin-recognition abilities and nepotism as a function of sociality.
Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis
Kinship, demography, and belding's ground squirrel nepotism
Genetic specialists, kin recognition and nepotism in honey-bee colonies
Lack of Detectable Nepotism in Multiple-Queen Colonies of the Fire Ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Alarm calls of Belding's ground squirrels to aerial predators: nepotism or self-preservation?