
feeling exactly dune desert degree deep crowded conference colleague century building boyfriend beach baron atmosphere way us toast song sign public plastic music moment message mechanical me make sure machine latest knife invention idea government free frame fork finger even equipment elastic edge document closed busy blues birth anything airline word why story spare time slob relaxing questionnaire problem pottery pool photograph nonalcoholic noise news nature homework gym gardening game show game fun fitness favourite exercise exciting else drama difficult detail dangerous creative court comedy chat show cartoon brochure baby winter usually twice trip traffic timetable sun summer spring social smart slowly situated routine programme possible p.m. per often never month midnight middle midday lesson institute important hour fee excellent everywhere early daylight day course concert community clock casual calendar break back a.m. always activity accommodation writing paper Walkman umbrella tube towel toothpaste toothbrush tooth tissue tent stamp sport soap sleeping bag shampoo question page packing list of course notebook necessary make-up magazine litre St half film file every difference change can camping battery bar ball altogether when together time those thing these than textile sometimes rose relative quiet or only newspaper moustache more member like instrument hair girlfriend girl friend fabric eye different couple clothes city boy birthday beard alone world window weekend wall typical tree sound sea roof river possession plant place own opposite next to money metre mat language lamp how many houseboat home ground floor garden furniture front flower floor fireplace entrance engine each door deck cushion curtain council carpet car park between because available another also after