
tragedy tyre twinkling traffic lights traffic jam traffic traditional tradition trade track suit track toward towards tourism totally toothpaste toothbrush toothache tonne tolerant tolerable toddler tin-opener tights think up think over think out think of think about throw up throw out throw away tidy up tick thunderstorm thunder thumb throw throughout throat thrive thriller thrill threatening threaten threat thought though thirsty thirst think thermometer thesis therefore theory theme theft theatrical territorial terrifying terrified terrible tense tennist tennis tender temporary temple temperature television telephone telegram teenager technology technique tear tax tartan tar tape tanker talk of talk about take up with tableware table-tennis tablecloth drum drug drop drive drip dress dream drawer draw drag dozen downstairs doubt domestic dollar document doctor clap claim civilization citizen circumstance circle cinema church choose choice chocolate china chin chimney childhood convince convert conversation convenient control contrast contradiction contract continue continent contest content contemporary container contain consult consist of consist consider Spanish bury burst bureau bullet bull bulb building build bucket brush broad bristle bring up bring about beyond beside benefit beneficial belong to believe in faulty systematic system sympathise symbol sword switch over switch swing swimming costume sweep sweatshirt sweater swear swarm sustain survival surrounding surround surprised surprise surname surgery surgeon surfing surface make sure sure suppress suppose support supply supplier supervise superstar supermarket superficial superb suntan sunshine sunscreen sunburn sunbathe summary summarise sum up sum suitcase suitable suit suggestion suggest successive successful success succeed in succeed subway suburb subtract subject stupid stuff studio structural stroke strive strikingly strike strict stretch out stretch stressful stress strenuous strength strawberry strategy stranger straight storage stop in stir stevedore steak stay on stay in stay behind statute stateroom stall