纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
sorcerer comfit society commit sobbing committed snuggle commonly snuff complexion snowball concern snout confess snipe confusing sneeze connected sneaking conqueror sneak conquest snatch conscience snaky considering smoother consist smoking conspicuous smith continually smiling contrive slush convenience slither convenient slit convict slipper convincing slink coo slimy cookery slight coop flogging slide coronet slice corporal sleeve costly puzzling sleek putty cough punishment slate punishing councillor punch slapping pulse counting puddle slain province crackers proudly slab protest cramped protector skull protected credit prosperous skulk prop crest propose skip prophet crested property skinny promising cricket progress skilled profound crisp probable skid prize crockery privilege singer prig crop prick signification presumably crossroads powdered sightseer potter crude postern sickness portcullis cruelly pork shorten pond crushed pomegranate shoo poltroon crust polished shocking polish cultivated poker shipwreck poke cupboard poisonous shimmer plumage cupful plum shied plough customs plodding shelf plod cypress ply shattering pledge sharpen pleasing sham plato shallows plastered sensibly pint selling fusty pinched furthest seller furlong pincers funnies seizing fuel piercing fruitful secretary froze pierced frowsty seaward frosty picnic frolicsome seasickness frisk physic freshly seasick frenzy phoney French searching freezing pert freeman sealing fraternize perished framework seagull fragment perilous fraction scum fowl perfume forwards scuffling fortress perform formed scrumptious forgiven pelt forgetful scoop forfeit peg foreboding scold forbidden peck footprint scholar footing pear footfall scheme foolery peach folk scenery focus peaceable flush scatter fluffy twopence pax turnip flour trusty scare trusting flounder truest pawn trout troubled scanty trodden flock triumphant Paul trim flighty tremulous Alps feat