纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
scamper treatment flick treasury pattern transparent flecked training sawn trailing flavour trail patiently tradition flap tow saunter tousled flagged toothache paternal tooth flabby token sauce toed fix tinkle pasty tingle fireplace tilt satisfaction tighten final tig paste tidings filth ticklish satchel thrust fifth awe throaty avalanche passion August thrice attempted fiddle Atlantis threatening atlantean sardine assuredly threatened assurance feverish assumed thinner ascent parting arrest thingummy armchair fever aright thicken Arctic sapient apron thence approve festival apply theirs anyhow parley anxiety tested anvil fervent ant test antler sap annoying terrifying ancestor feed amidst tempted amidships parent amazing temperature alteration telescope alien sane albatross telegraph alarm favourable aimless tedious ail pantomime ahem mutton teatime museum aha mumble fatal mule agreement mulberry teasing mug agonizing muck salamander mouthpiece afford mountainous teacher moulder affection moth fantasy mothball affected mortar taunt morsel aeroplane moderately pannier mock advise mix tassel mistook advancing mister famine minor add wrung minaret wriggle tapestry wretch military wreckage acquaintance wreathe midstream wrapping sagacious wraith miaow worms acknowledge workman measure workmanship tapestried wondrous mead wizened achieved withered maxim withdrew failing wireless mattress wink accordingly willowy matchwood widely tape wholesome masthead whir according whirl mastery ivied whine inward packed invite wherefore tackle investigate masonry invent wheezy introduce accord interview wheedle interfere mask intent weep intense tangle insult weedy inspector martial inspect wedding inquiry absurd innocent webbed inn margin inlet weaken inlaid factory infernal wax induce mantelpiece indoor wasting inconvenience abide incantation wasp uttermost inaudible urge magnet upstream impulse upshot warmly upheaval improved unwise