纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
apartment paddle announce rusty barrow rumbling anchor rugged sandy rudely altar rounded barred rocket alongside rob packing roasting agreeable rippling banquet ripe affectionate rightly salad richer adventurous rhyme baked rhododendron advance reveal extremity packet exploration restored experienced admitted expense report exercise backing execute renewed examine adela event renegade established safer entirely rejoin enterprise ad enormously regrettable engine backed wrote engaged wrinkled reduced wreath ending wrath actual worshipful encircle woken record witness enchantress wit paced wire enchanting willing ration whither elder whistling acre whew eerie whereas rash wheeled education werewolf luggage B lowest Wells lollipop economic log wealth lodging rank lobster waxwork limp eavesdrop library watery lettering abroad Lent wart islander lend irregular earnestly involved launch intending warrant intelligent lap instruct rang insect landscape innumerable walled India lamppost impatience nurture earn northwest imitation nightfall lair nibble imagination neat waistcoat naught idly juicy nature judicious laden judge naturally jolt icy yellowish joking ye nation yawn joint yah sacrifice swore kennel jaw unbearable jeer needless joining undergrowth jug echo understanding neighbour undo lain unhappy newcomer universe edged untie nicely useless hack ninth embark nobler lash normal embrace nosing fated nowadays empress nut laurel emptiness hallo etc league exact daisy example learning extra happiness liar favourite likewise hauberk liquid cask lively haunted loathsome fiend locker haystack loss damsel lucky heading lunatic fiery heigh pan heir filthy hero daring highly firework hoarse charged homeward fishes host dazed hunched fishy hunter swish fixing deaf flag childish flagon deer flank parchment flowering deliverance flurry chocolate flute deliver