
seal bell jar ringtone shoal concert jet engine pneumatic whisper approximate decibel annoyance range yowl scratch surgical operation abnormality tumour interval ocean floor sonar echo reflected encouragement attack siren isolate ultrasound note musical correspond hertz tuning fork adjusted frequency squeak moo loudness pitch sensitive predator vital Eustachian tube cochlea stirrup anvil eardrum nerve semicircular canal hammer ear canal flap external inventor analytical cause amplifier hearing aid consult Pa megaphone announcement flat ripple bunch up from side to side drum absent space shuttle aeroplane disturbance massive thunderstorm entertainment tune vibration perspective distinct plutonium wing Mars rover robotic pioneer voyager probe NASA nuclear fusion ladle ice skater kinetic nauseous infrasound low-frequency wind turbine photovoltaic solar cell sediment power station turbine significantly arsenic hydrogen sulfide deep into drill volcanic geothermal energy pellet offset water hyacinth geothermal biofuel indefinitely dioxide lorry decay enjoyable renewable extensive assert acknowledged wheel paddle pulley opposing argument perpetual countless swing rod foundation kinetic energy bowstring potential energy archer PE rearrange escalator radio uphill run out of evacuate seismologist satellite meteorologist bubble lift bracket slope skateboard collar badge sally spring balance perpendicular secure dive windscreen hook suction cup bottle scuba diver heel stiletto puncture bruise vessel grip scissor disadvantageous advantageous padding durian charcoal area force pressure pierce exert syringe plunger vaccination dpt padlock junction deduce atmosphere barometer hemisphere VACUUM PUMP wheelbarrow plank nail pull out crowbar convenient cabinet hinge door knob goalkeeper hockey knead dummy barrier stationary accelerate crash quantity stretch newton rock climber belay cliff ascending harness South Pole North Pole magnet magnetism magnetic force repulsion repel negative positive charge wrap electrostatic paperweight loose gravity coastal area harbour gravitational force contact parachute parachutist friction rub tyre strap thumb parallel inquiry squirrel conversely entity inter-related define mitigate sensitivity stray detector